Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Presents

Here is the kids' haul for the season.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas

Here is a quick year in review in pictures for everybody.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Elijah, as a donkey, signing "Away in a Manger"

go here if it doesn't work:

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Crunch Time

The end of the semester is getting near. The final paper for my writing class was turned in on Monday. Finals are coming up fast. The first one is a week from tomorrow.
Criminal Law - December 12, 9am
Torts - December 14, 9am
Civil Procedure - December 18, 9am

For all those prayer warriors out there (and any others down with divine communication) please feel free to offer up a bit of supplication for me during those times, I certainly will not object.

Tonight we went to the Christmas program for Elijah's preschool. It was a full house, standing room only. Maybe after finals are complete I will try to post the video I took of our boy singing for the world to see.

Take care everybody.